Thursday, September 8, 2011

Another Vintage Case

I'm so excited! My mum has found another vintage case for me. My last one was picked for $2, and I did a post about it here. This one is not a hard case, it's stiff, but movable. The blue colour is much prettier, and it's a bit smaller than its friend.

It came with these bottles and a tiny key. The inside is so pretty. My mum gave me this one, and said "So now you'll be getting rid of the other one?". No way Mum! Now I have a collection. :-)


Thrifted Treasure said...

That's gorgeous! So rare to find one with a key! Isn't it great to have people out there finding stuff you love for you :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh I remember those. I bet my Grandma still has several. I know she's still got a white one. Great find!

The Joyful Thrifter said...

love the color!
The Joyful Thrifgter

Bek said...

Thanks everyone!
Yep my mum is a great op shopping partner. Of course I can credit her with my op shop skills in the first place. ;-)